
What Not To Wear is an American makeover reality television show that airs on TLC in the United States and Canada. This show is based on the British show of the same name, which launched in 2001. The two hosts of the show are Stacy London and Clinton Kelly. This makeover reality series, produced by Majorie Connelly, is currently airing its 9th season, each episode running for 52 minutes.

What’s It All About?

Most woman would dream about getting $5,000 to buy a new wardrobe, I know I would! The participant on the show is nominated by friends, family, co-workers, etc. to get a complete makeover, including new clothes, makeup and hair. When a woman is selected, the show secretly follows and videotapes her for two weeks. Sometimes the nominee will be asked to participate in “market research,” which is actually the What Not to Wear crew filming her for the show. The nominee is handed a $5000 Visa debit card for the purpose of buying a new wardrobe if she will turn over her entire existing wardrobe to Stacy and Clinton and shop by their rules.

On the first day, Stacy and Clinton sort through the wardrobe, and the participant steps inside the 360-degree mirror to explain what she likes about her outfit and why she thinks it looks good on her. After critiquing each outfit, Stacy and Clinton present a more appropriate outfit to the participant to help illustrate the rules for the participant to follow when shopping for new clothes. Throughout the sorting process, most of the clothes are tossed in a large garbage can (although they are actually donated to charity unless they are torn or damaged.) One the second day, the participant is filmed shopping on her own and making her own purchases, while hopefully keeping “the rules” of Stacy and Clinton in mind! Some stores that they are seen shopping in include, Mexx, New York & Company, Bloomingdales, Macy’s, H&M, Ann Taylor, etc. It is at this point in the show where the shopper becomes frustrated with shopping whether they are struggling to find the right fit, or they resort to buying clothing that do not satisfy “the rules”.

On the third day, Stacy and Clinton sneak up on their shopper and help them finish spending their money, while making sure they are sticking to the rules and making good purchases. It is on the fourth day when hair and makeup come into play (my favorite part of the episode). Hair stylist Ted Gibson and make-up artist Carmindy help give the nominee a polished look to go along with their new wardrobe. This is typically the most emotional part of the episode. The episodes end with Stacy and Clinton seeing what the shopper has bought and typically are shown three outfits in total to get a feel for their new wardrobe.

Most women seem to be skeptical and not so willing to change their look when they first find out they have been chosen for a reality makeover show, but by the end of the experience, it is apparent that their confidence level has increased significantly and they are happy they went through with it. Some other makeover reality shows include Extreme Makeover and Ambush Makeover.

Below is a clip of another reality makeover show. Michelle wants to change her masculine appearance to be more like a woman.

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